This week's flower is my Aloe Vera. It has a really lovely flower held high above the plant on a long tough stock.

When I arrived here in November I noticed the buds starting. The flowers are just now starting to fall from the stock and it's late January.
Most people know the healing benefits of the leaf of Aloe Vera. Break open the leaf and rub the thick, slimy juice on a wound, sun burn or bug bite for some relief.

When I moved to this house I found a pot under the down spout of the eave trough (gutter for my American readers). There was no dirt in the pot just two wrinkled and sad looking Aloe Vera plants with a half inch of slimy, dirty water in the bottom of the pot. My neighbor told me that they must been there for five years as no one had done any gardening in that yard for at least that long. Poor things. I promptly planted those two sad plants in my garden and today, three years later I have a very healthy and prolific patch of Aloe Vera that has thanked me by producing many new plants and four lovely tall and beautiful flower spikes.
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